If you need a strong and secure knot, do not use this method. This is not for you. So what is this good for you might ask. This is the usual method when I do my tamban rig, Sabuki rig, Rabbit fish rig, and in fact any rig that uses multiple small hooks.
Afterall, what will I loss if one of the knots gave way? A bait fish that's all, nothing to cry about.
Prepare the quantity of hooks you requires, using the same method.
Once you have the hooks ready, prepare the leader cut off the desire length.
Usually, at this point I will also put the required swivel or loop at the top of the rig. So that I can secure one end of the rig to a clamp. Do whatever you need as long as one end is secured firmly.
At the location where you want to place a hook, make a loop and have 2 fingers inside the loop.
Give the loop a twist so that the line cross one another.
Using the 2 fingers inside the loop, pinch the leader closer to the top and pull it through the loop. At the same time, using your free hand, slowly pull the leader closer to the bottom to tighten the loop.
Now what you have is a new loop, check if this is where you want your hook to be. If not, just pull the unsecured end to undo the loop.
Pull the unsecured end slowly to closer the loop smaller.
Now pick up the snell hook and place the end with the knot into the loop.
Close the loop till it is just big enough for you so slide the hook line, but small enough to prevent the knot to slip out.
Slide until there is a very small gap between the knot and the almost closed loop.
Give the unsecured end a tight tug to tighten the loop around the hook line.
You have now completed the 1st hook, repeat till you have secure the desire quantity of hooks. Then prepare the bottom of the rig with either a swivel or loop. You are ready to go.
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